Saturday, May 29, 2004

(May 29th, 2004)

Now bid farewell
To the days spent alone, brooding
To the nights spent alone, crying
To the friends who took me down
To the foes I kept around
To the angels I failed to hold dear
To the devils I thought sincere
To the anger I saw needed
To the love that went unheeded

Now bid farewell
To the dark hours that haunted me
To the dark moods that destroyed me
To the dark thoughts that possesed me
To the dark angel that tore me

Now bid farewell
To my life, as it once was
To my pain, that gave me pause
To my suffering, which has now ended
To my despair, which has now faded

Now bid farewell, I say
To these things of yesterday
Let them pass to the realm of lore
For I need them no more
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