Friday, January 23, 2004
Omnia Vincit Amor
Lying beside you
Gazing into your eyes
All seems possible
My future not so bleak
Your hair, so soft
Runs beneath my fingers
So smooth, so fine
Like a river of silk
Your skin, so smooth
As I play with your ear
So tender, so warm
Up, around and down
Feeling your heart beat
Feeling you breath
All as I lay
Lost in your eyes
So full of love
Am I right now
For this creature beside me
So strong, so beautiful
I love her
And I love being here
Lying beside her
Lost in her eyes and in my love
Lying beside you
Gazing into your eyes
All seems possible
My future not so bleak
Your hair, so soft
Runs beneath my fingers
So smooth, so fine
Like a river of silk
Your skin, so smooth
As I play with your ear
So tender, so warm
Up, around and down
Feeling your heart beat
Feeling you breath
All as I lay
Lost in your eyes
So full of love
Am I right now
For this creature beside me
So strong, so beautiful
I love her
And I love being here
Lying beside her
Lost in her eyes and in my love