Thursday, July 28, 2005

Greetings. The following is a collection of work from the preceding two months, the dates are, I believe, included. All good things come in threes.

(July 20th 2005)

From nothingness shall grow everything
Hope can fill an empty shell
There is a saviour, in the night
And there is nothing to forgive

Though our demons may laugh
I've seen all there is to see
And known your many lives
And there is nothing to forgive

You know I'm here to stay
Let me teach if you know not how
Take a breath with me and know
There is nothing to forgive

(July 27th 2005)

Within each of us lies a burning light
Never let it go out
Believe, as you have always believed
Searching for your truth
When you find that golden apple, so bright
Never let it out of sight
For each of us, there is love in this life
A golden apple, shining
So believe as you have always believed
And trust in love to be right
For without love, we are but shadows in the night
Fight... fight for the dying light

(June 19th 2005)

Here in this most sacred place,
Surrounded by the idioms of our youth
Strong redwoods under which we once danced
at twilight... the sun setting at last.
Here where it all began, so very long ago
I make my peace at last
Send forth my will to do final battle
And tarry here no longer
Here in this most holiest of places,
I ask but for one simple thing -
Admist the tattered dreams of our childhood
Speak only the truth

(Whispers softly upon the breeze...)

Will thou choose to remain here
within the gates of heaven upon Earth
Forever to be hurt, forever to evolve
Forever coming to new understandings
Will thou choose to remain here
to learn each and every day of love
Will thou endure the heartache and sorrow
That building a new life will take

(Shouting madly from within the hills...)

Will thou depart to faraway lands
To new adventures, new people, new crimes
Forever to be hurt, forever to start anew
Forever to believe not this time
Will thou depart, to faraway lands
To learn and to forget each and every lesson
Will thou endure the loneliness that
Building a new life will take

(Quietly from beneath the moonbeams...)

Will thou abandon all you see here
In favour of something brand new?
Will thou depart in hate and disgust
Richly earned, no doubt?
Will thou forget the entirety of the past
That was once never to be forgotten?
Will thou forsake what you claim to love
For betrayal deserves no love?

The sun has set, my light is fading
Greetings dark realm, we meet once more
But I remember times long past
When you and I have met before

(And I remember...)

I remember that after the dark and after the pain
After the tears within the night`s dark hour
Comes the blessed silence of a soul forgiven
So I shall fear no darkness and fear no evil

For I remember.

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